Our Board

HIE's building and landscape on Inverness Campus

Our Board

The HIE Board normally meet at least six times a year and has overall responsibility for ensuring that we fulfil our statutory duties and meet the aims and objectives set out by the Scottish National Strategy for Economic Transformation and the national Programme for Government.

The Board has specific responsibility for approving our strategy and operating plan, and ensuring that the Scottish Government has thorough arrangements for appraising, monitoring and evaluating our targets.

Our Board members adhere to our Code of Conduct which sets out expectations of those who serve on the board and the way in which they should conduct themselves in undertaking their duties for HIE. The Ethical Standards in Public Life (Scotland) Act 2000 established the Standards Commission for Scotland to oversee these arrangements and provide guidance for all Scottish public bodies.

Have a look at the profiles below for more information on who is currently on HIE's Board. 

Our board members

View the profiles and professional biographies of our Board.

Alistair Dodds CBE

Alistair joined the Board of HIE in April 2014 and was appointed Chair in May 2020

Stuart Black

Stuart Black was appointed as HIE's Chief Executive in January 2022

Angus Campbell

Angus Campbell joined the Board of HIE in September 2018 and was appointed Deputy Chair in October 2023

Allan Clow

Allan joined the board of HIE in May 2024

Calum Ross

Calum joined the Board of HIE in September 2018

David Wilson

David Wilson joined the Board of HIE on 1 May 2023

Related documents

In addition to regular Board meetings, the HIE Board has two committees, the Remuneration Committee and the Risk and Assurance Committee (formerly the Audit Committee). Minutes of the Board and the Risk and Assurance Committee are available to download below. You can also find a selection of strategic documents below that relate to HIE's operations and governance.

HIE Board meetings

The HIE Board meets around six times a year. Minutes of each meeting are put forward for approval at the next session, and subsequently published below. While HIE seeks to be as open and accountable as possible in recording Board meetings, certain items may need to be redacted on occasion, usually for reasons of commercial sensitivity, or because disclosure could prejudice the effective conduct of public affairs.  












Risk and Assurance Committee meetings

The Risk and Assurance Committee is a sub-committee of the HIE Board. Membership is drawn from the Board, and independent non-executives may be appointed as appropriate.

The Committee normally meets four times a year. Its main functions are to review the reliability and integrity of assurances in respect of HIE’s risk control and governance arrangements, and to support the HIE Accountable Officer and Board in discharging their responsibilities. 

Current members are Angus Campbell as chair, Belinda Oldfield, Calum Ross and Keith Nicholson.

Minutes of each meeting are put forward for approval at the next session of the committee subsequently published below.

View the committee's Terms of Reference (updated May 2023) 










*Please note personal data is exempt as such disclosure would contravene the principle 1 as stated in Article 5(1) of the GDPR with which data controllers must comply. We therefore redact the names of any individuals from external organisations who have attended meetings.


Strategic documents

HIE Strategy 2023-28 - the strategy sets out our ambition and targets for the next five-years. 

HIE Operating Plan 2024-25 - action for jobs and communities

Scotland's National Strategy for Economic Recovery

Model Code of Conduct 2022 - the codes sets out our expectations of those serving as Board members for HIE (published 14 June 2022).  


Register of Interests

As part of our Code of Conduct for Board members, we publish a register of interests. The most up to date is available below.

Register of interests - updated October 2024

Board Gender Representation Report

The Gender Representation on Public Boards (2018) Act is intended to help address the historic
and persistent under representation of women in public life and requires public bodies to report
on meeting the requirements of the Act.

HIE Board Gender Representation Report April 2021


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