Winners unveiled at FilmG Awards 2024
Winners unveiled at FilmG Awards 2024
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Thathas ag ath-leasachadh an t-seann taigh-sgoile is an ionaid-bìdh aig Sgoil Chrois, far a bheil Comunn Eachdraidh Nis (CEN) suidhichte an-dràsta. Thèid an cidsin agus an taigh-tasgaidh a tha ann am prìomh thogalach na sgoile a leudachadh cuideachd mar phàirt den phròiseact.
Tha CEN stèidhichte ann an Nis ann an ceann a tuath Leòdhais agus b’ e a’ chiad chomann eachdraidh a bh’ ann an Innse Gall agus a-nis tha cliù stèidhichte aige airson pròiseactan ùr-ghnàthach a lìbhrigeadh.
Tha a’ phròiseact seo air £130,000 fhaighinn bho HIE airson na togalaichean ath-nuadhachadh, rud a bha na amas aig a’ bhuidhinn choimhearsnachd bho ghluais iad dhan t-seann sgoil ann an 2011.
Tha taigh-tasgaidh oifigeil san togalach le taisbeanaidhean mu chaochladh sheallaidhean de dhòigh-beatha nan eilean, tasglann de dh’eachdraidh ionadail, clàran sloinnteachail airson ceann a tuath Leòdhais air fad, cafaidh is bùth ghibhtean.
Thèid an taigh-tasgaidh a leudachadh airson gum bi àite ann dha taisbeanaidhean gus barrachd den chruinneachadh, a fhuaras bhon choimhearsnachd thairis air 40 bliadhna, a shealltainn. Thèid an làr ìosal ath-dhealbhachadh airson gabhail a-steach rùm airson co-labhairtean is tachartasan dha buidhnean turasachd sloinntearachd.
Thèid an t-seann taigh-sgoile ath-leasachadh gu mar a bha e ann an 1879 agus a thoirt air ais gu bhith na thasglann eachdraidh is na oifis a thuilleadh air a bhith ag atharrachadh an t-seann ionad-bìdh na stòr is na bhùth-obrach dhan taigh-tasgaidh.
Aig ceann eile an eilein, air na Lochan, tha HIE air £80,000 a bhuileachadh air Comann Eachdraidh Cheann an Loch gus an cuideachadh ag ath-sgeadachadh seann sgoil Bhail’Ailein.
Cheannaich an comann togalach na seann sgoile ann am Bail’ Ailein ann an 2014 agus leasaich iad pròiseactan dearbhaidh, nam measg cafaidh, ionad ath-chuartachaidh, bùth agus taigh-nighe.
Cuiridh ionad ùr dualchais taic ri rùintean na coimhearsnachd le bhith a’ cruthachadh stòradh dhan taigh-tasgaidh agus àite sònraichte airson cruinneachadh maireannach a’ chomainn a thaisbeanadh. Thèid na goireasan a leasachadh gus làn ghoireasan cidsin a ghabhail a-steach a thuilleadh air cafaidh is taisbeanadh agus àite airson a bhith a’ reic obair-chi
Tha Comann Eachdraidh Cheann an Loch ag adhartachadh is a’ dìon eachdraidh, dualchas is cultar sgìre nan Loch bho Airidh a’ Bhruaich gu Sòbhal.
Thuirt Raonaid Nic Choinnich, manaidsear roinne HIE ann an Innse Gall: “Tha sinn air leth toilichte a bhith a’ cuideachadh gach pròiseict a tha a’ toirt taic dha rùintean ath-nuadhachail nan coimhearsnachdan ann an Nis agus Ceann an Loch. Thairis air na bliadhnaichean ri thighinn bidh obraichean ùra, a bhios nam buannachd dha na coimhearsnachdan ionadail, gan cruthachadh aig an dà ionad dualchais. Aon uair ‘s gun tèid an ath-nuadhachadh, bheir na goireasan sin sàr sheirbheisean leasaichte dha na coimhearsnachdan, a thuilleadh air dha luchd-turais bho air feadh nan eilean agus an t-saoghail. Tha sinn a’ coimhead air adhart ri cruth-atharrachadh an dà sgoil fhaicinn aon uair is gun tèid an obair a choileanadh.”
Renovation work has started at two historical societies in the Isle of Lewis with financial support from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE).
The former schoolhouse and canteen at Sgoil Chrois, where Comunn Eachdraidh Nis (CEN) is currently located, is being redeveloped. The kitchen and museum within the main school building will also be extended as part of the project.
CEN is based in Ness in north Lewis and was the first historical society to be set up in the Outer Hebrides and now has an established reputation for delivering innovative projects.
This project has received £130,000 from HIE towards renovating the buildings which has been a goal of the community groups since it moved to the old school in 2011.
The facility accommodates an accredited museum featuring displays on various aspects of island life, a local history archive, genealogical records for the whole of the north Lewis area, a café and a gift shop.
The museum will be extended to include a new exhibition space to showcase more of the collection which has been donated by the community over 40 years. The ground floor will be reconfigured to incorporate a conference and events room for genealogy tourist groups.
The old school house will be renovated to its 1879 appearance and bring it back to use as a history archive and office as well as converting the former canteen into a museum store and workshop.
At the other end of the island, in the Lochs area, HIE has awarded the Kinloch Historical Society £80,000 to help it progress with refurbishing the old school at Balallan.
The society purchased the old school building in Balallan in 2014 and developed pilot projects including a café, a recycling centre, shop and a laundrette.
A new heritage hub will support the community’s aspirations by creating museum storage and dedicated space to display the society’s permanent collection. Facilities will be enhanced to include full kitchen facilities as well as a café and an exhibition and for local craft sales.
Kinloch Historical Society promotes and preserves the history, heritage and culture of the Kinloch area stretching from Airidhbhruach to Soval.
Rachel Mackenzie, area manager at HIE in the Outer Hebrides, said: “We are delighted to assist both projects which support the regeneration aspirations of the communities of Ness and Kinloch. New jobs will be created over the next few years at both heritage hubs, benefiting the local communities. Once regenerated, these facilities will provide excellent, improved services to their communities as well as to visitors from all over the islands and across the world. We look forward to seeing the transformation of the two schools once the work has been completed.”
Winners unveiled at FilmG Awards 2024
Inverness church set to be transformed into a Gaelic language and cultural centre
Graduates recruited in the Outer Hebrides through HIE-funded programme
Seven young people have been appointed in a range of posts in the Outer Hebrides by HIE.
Bhuannaich Marissa NicDhomhaill Sgoil an Rubha an Duais Choimhearsnachd, Dualchais is Turasachd le taic bho Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean (HIE) aig Duaisean na Gàidhlig an raoir
Tha planaichean gus goireasan ùra coimhearsnachd a thogail air taobh siar Eilean Leòdhais ceum nas fhaide air adhart agus am pasgan maoineachaidh air a choileanadh.
A bid to build a £7m Gaelic cultural centre in South Uist has taken a major step forward with the project awarded £1.1m from HIE.
Chaidh luchd-buannachaidh an ainmeachadh a-nochd (DiCiadain aig Duaisean na h-Alba 2018 ann an Glaschu.
Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn (Galson Estate Trust) has recruited a Gaelic development officer as it undertakes a three-year project to actively support Gaelic language and culture.