The posts, which have all been filled in recent months, are based in Benbecula and Stornoway and have an important part in helping businesses and communities to develop and grow in the Outer Hebrides and across the region.
The new recruits bring the total number of staff employed in both its Outer Hebrides’ offices to 30, with 13 in the area team and others split over HIE’s central team, which includes WES (Wave Energy Scotland), digital, energy and finance.
HIE is committed to attracting, recruiting and retaining young people within the workforce, both across the region and as an employer. The organisation has offered opportunities for graduates and modern apprentices to apply for vacant posts to continue their employment, as well as running a graduate placements programme.
The new roles include two modern apprentice finance administrators based in Benbecula, who provide financial administration and claims processing services for the whole of HIE. Francesca Scott, who is originally from Glasgow, was recruited in October and Grace Henderson who is originally from Lochaber, currently lives in South Uist having been with HIE since July.
Georgia MacRury lives in South Uist and was recruited as finance administrator at the agency’s Benbecula office. Georgia previously worked in the same role before going to college to study hairdressing and decided to gravitate back towards finance.
Barra resident and native Gaelic-speaker, Claire Davidson joined HIE as a development manager in August. Born and brought up in South Uist, she is passionate about community development and the opportunities presented by community ownership.
Emily Macleod is working in a split role as a project support worker in the area team and a support officer for the Highlands and Islands Regional Economic Partnership having worked in the finance team in her previous role. Emily is originally from Lauder in the Borders and in 2015 she moved to South Uist where she now lives.
Rachel Law who hails from the West Side in Lewis, started at HIE in August. She was recruited as a development manager after being in a year-long community support officer graduate role within the organisation.
Native Gaelic speaker, Amy Murray was appointed in October as a graduate development manager for Gaelic. Amy’s parents come from Ness and the West Side in Lewis although Amy was brought up in Inverness and now lives in Stornoway. In her role, she works with businesses, communities and social enterprises with a particular focus on developing Gaelic.
Joanna Peteranna, area manager for the Outer Hebrides area team at HIE, said: “We recognise the benefits associated with having young people in our workforce and we are really pleased to have filled all our recently advertised vacancies with excellent young talent. They’ve already made a huge contribution to our teams. It’s fantastic that they have found their future career with HIE in the Outer Hebrides.”
Tàlant òg air fhastadh gu HIE ann an Innse Gall
Tha seachdnar dhaoine òga air am fastadh gu raon de dhreuchdan an an Innse Gall aig HIE.
Tha na h-obraichean a chaidh uile a lìonadh thar na mìosan mu dheireadh, stèidhichte ann am Beinn na Faoghla agus Steòrnabhagh agus tha pàirt chudromach aca ann a bhith a’ cuideachadh ghnothachasan agus choimhearsnachdan gu leasachadh is fàs, ann an Innse Gall agus air feadh na roinne.
Tha an luchd-obrach ùr a’ toirt na h-àireimh iomlan de luchd-obrach a tha fastaichte anns an dà oifis ann an Innse Gall gu 30, le 13 dhiubh anns an sgioba sgìreil agus càch air an roinn thar prìomh sgioba HIE, a tha a’ gabhail a-steach WES, didseatach, cumhachd agus ionmhas.
Tha HIE dealasach a thaobh daoine òga a thàladh, fhastadh agus a ghleidheadh taobh a-staigh na sgioba-obrach, an dà chuid tarsainn na roinne agus mar fhastaiche. Tha am buidheann air cothroman a thabhann do cheumnaichean agus do nuadh-phreantasan tagradh airson dreuchdan bàna gus an cosnadh a chumail a’ dol, a thuilleadh air prògram greisean-gnìomhachais do cheumnaichean a ruith.
Tha na dreuchdan ùra a’ gabhail a-steach dà nuadh-phreantas mar rianaire ionmhais stèidhichte ann am Beinn na Faoghla, a sholaraicheas rianachd ionmhasail agus seirbheisean giullachd thagraidhean do HIE gu h-iomlan. Chaidh Francesca Scott, a tha à Glaschu bho thùs, fhastadh san Dàmhair agus tha Grace NicEunraig a tha à Loch Abar bho thùs, a-nis a’ còmhnaidh ann an Uibhist a Deas an dèidh dhi a bhith ag obair aig HIE bhon Iuchar.
Tha Georgia NicRuairidh a’ còmhnaidh ann an Uibhist a Deas agus chaidh a fastadh mar rianaire ionmhais ann an oifis a’ bhuidhinn ann am Beinn na Faoghla. Bha Georgia ag obair roimhe san dreuchd cheudna mus deach i don cholaiste a dh’ionnsachadh gruagaireachd ach cho-dhùin i an uair sin a dhol air ais gu ionmhas.
Thàinig Claire NicDhaibhidh, a tha a’ còmhnaidh ann am Barraigh agus aig a bheil Gàidhlig bho dhùthchas, gu HIE mar mhanaidsear leasachaidh san Lùnastal. Rugadh agus thogadh i ann an Uibhist a Deas agus tha i dìoghrasach mu leasachadh coimhearsnachd agus mu na cothroman a tha sealbh fearann coimhearsnachd a riochdachadh.
Tha Emily NicLeòid mar obraiche taic san sgioba sgìreil a thuilleadh air dreuchd mar oifigear taic do Chom-pàirteachas Eaconamach Roinneil na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean, an dèidh dhi a bhith ag obair san sgioba ionmhais na dreuchd roimhe sin. Tha Emily à Labhdar sna Crìochan agus ann an 2015 ghluais i a dh’Uibhist a Deas far a bheil i a-nis a’ fuireach.
Thòisich Rachel Law a tha à Taobh Siar Leòdhais, aig HIE san Lùnastal. Chaidh a fastadh mar mhanaidsear leasachaidh an dèidh dhi a bhith ann an dreuchd mar oifigear taic ceumnach coimhearsnachd fad bliadhna taobh a-staigh a’ bhuidhinn.
Chaidh Amy Mhoireach, aig a bheil Gàidhlig bho dhùthchas, fhastadh san Dàmhair mar mhanaidsear leasachaidh ceumnach Gàidhlig. Tha pàrantan Amy à Nis agus bhon Taobh Siar ann an Leòdhas ged a chaidh Amy a thogail ann an Inbhir Nis ach tha i a-nis a’ fuireach ann an Steòrnabhagh. Na dreuchd, bidh i ag obair còmhla ri gnothachasan, coimhearsnachdan agus iomairtean sòisealta le cuimse shònraichte air leasachadh na Gàidhlig.
Thuirt Joanna Peteranna, manaidsear sgìreil do sgioba Innse Gall aig HIE: “Tha sinn a’ tuigsinn nam buannachdan co-cheangailte ri daoine òga a bhith san sgioba-obrach againn agus tha sinn air leth toilichte gu bheil na dreuchdan bàna a shanasaich sinn o chionn ghoirid uile air an lìonadh le tàlant sàr-mhath òg. Tha iad mar-tha air cur gu h-àibheiseach ris na sgiobaidhean againn. Tha e mìorbhaileach gu bheil iad air an dreuchd-beatha a lorg aig HIE ann an Innse Gall.”
Photo: Top left and clockwise, Francesca Scott, Georgia MacRury, Amy Murray (middle), Claire Davidson, Emily Macleod, Grace Henderson and Rachel Law
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