Energy investment

Investment in Energy

More and more businesses are interested in basing some or all of their operations in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Find out why and come join us.

Energy Picture


With excellent natural resources, a solid skills base, and an established supply chain of companies working in the energy sector, it is understandable that more and more businesses are interested in basing some or all of their operations in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland.

The IT infrastructure, transport options and quality of life are also aspects which play a part in making it possible and desirable to do business here.

HIE and Scottish Development International (SDI) work in partnership to support both existing and inward investor businesses.

We can work with businesses and organisations already in the Highlands and Islands to ensure they can realise the commercial opportunities in this region. SDI, on the other hand, delivers services and support to international companies wishing to develop a cost-effective base in Scotland for serving customers world-wide.

Port of Nigg with large yellow and red wind turbine structures in the blue water.


Interested in basing your energy business in the Highlands and Islands? Find out how you we can help you make the move.

Base your business here

Recent Investments

You can watch our videos to find out more about recent infrastructure investments across our region.

Short film highlighting infrastructure investments made across the region.

Brief update on the works at Kishorn Port.

Brief update on Nigg Energy Park by Rory Gunn of Global Energy Group

Brief update on Port of Cromarty Firth by Joanne Allday

Brief update on Scrabster Harbour by Sandy Mackie

Brief update on Wick Harbour by Chairman Willie Watt

Port of Nigg dock with large yellow and red wind turbine bases in the water


On 13 January 2023, Inverness and Cromarty Firth Green Freeport was selected by the Scottish and UK Governments to become one of Scotland’s first Green Freeports.

The Green Freeport aims to build a world-beating floating offshore wind manufacturing sector, creating thousands of new jobs and attracting £2.6 billion in inward investment.

Find out more

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