Maoin Dùbhlain Dhidseatach Gàidhlig – cothrom inntinneach ann an seanchas
Young Gaelic speakers passionate about storytelling can apply for one of five £5,000 grants to bring their innovative ideas to life.
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Shell Volution is an innovative, groundbreaking project led by University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) in partnership with industry and partners including Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE).
The project is set to bring sustainable growth and additional quality jobs in mussel farming, based on detailed investigations (mapping and monitoring) and creating a model for improving security and reliability of wild spat recruitment, through industry best practice.
Spearheading the development and case for this project together with Shetland-based partners in industry, academia and the public sector, Michael Tait from Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group said:
“Mussel farming is recognised as one of the most sustainable forms of aquaculture due to its low environmental impact, contributing positively to local ecosystems and offering a low-carbon, nutritious food source for consumers. This project will help to overcome some of the challenges that the industry faces in terms of growth, while focusing firmly on continued sustainability and contributing to national net zero targets.
“The aim is to grow Scotland’s mussel production by an additional 10,000 tonnes per year, safeguarding existing jobs and creating new ones in an industry operating in many of Scotland’s more remote and fragile areas.
Elaine Jamieson, Head of Life Sciences and Blue Economy at Highlands and Islands Enterprise, added: “Mussel farming is a key part of our wider aquaculture industry, which sustains valuable employment in many of our rural and island communities. Like most industries it requires innovation to enable growth and improve productivity.
“Farmers have described their challenges and ambitions and through partnership with academia and the public sector have created Shell-volution. We are pleased to have been part of this collaborative approach, and we look forward to realising
Read more in : UHI's news release
Young Gaelic speakers passionate about storytelling can apply for one of five £5,000 grants to bring their innovative ideas to life.
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) will return to Norway to host the Scottish Pavilion at Aqua Nor 2025.