Funding award for Tiree gym
A community led project underway to create the new gym has secured up to £36,870 investment from HIE.
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The HIE Community Led Tourism Infrastructure (CLTI) investments are supporting capital projects across the region to help prepare for the safe return of visitors.
Investments in the Outer Hebrides have supported communities to provide infrastructure that address local environmental challenges in the islands. These include providing campervan waste disposal, enhancing toilet provision,, creating outdoor eating facilities and introducing e-bikes as a more sustainable way for visitors to explore the islands.
Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn (UOG) was awarded £91,260 for outdoor tourist infrastructure throughout the Galson Estate.
Lisa Maclean, Chief Executive of UOG, said:
“The support has helped us to put a camping disposal unit in place, build toilet facilities, and create more sheltered outdoor spaces and seating on the estate. We recently launched a new website www. to promote north Lewis as a destination and provided tourism packs with local information to all accommodation providers.
“With our rich culture and history, breath-taking coastline and award-winning playark, the area has so much to offer for everyone. HIE’s support enables us to be better prepared from an infrastructure perspective and compliments the work we’ve already taken by way of promotion and destination management. We want to ensure the experience is positive for both those visiting, but also for the community who live here.”
West Harris Trust received £127,718 to upgrade campsite facilities at Seilebost.
Harris Golf Club will use their money to enhance social distancing measures and facilities at the Scarista golf course and made available to general visitors as well as golfers.
On the west side of Lewis, Urras Coimhearsnachd Bhradhagair agus Arnoil will use the support to help make the Grinneabhat Centre COVID-safe and build an outdoor cooking and eating facility for local people and visitors. Great Bernera Community Development Trust is being supported to create 24-hour access to toilets for visitors and local people at Bosta Beach.
In Uig, Gallan Head Community Trust will provide outside seating and picnic benches using the fund and Uig Development Trust was awarded £6,600 to renovate a remote, off-grid shieling in Mangersta to provide a base for walkers between Uig and Harris.
North Uist Development Company (NUDC) will invest in new facilities in Lochmaddy and Uist Wool Ltd will build an external porch area and install new interpretation panels.
Ameena Camps, Project Manager at NUDC, said:
“HIE’s investment has enabled us to construct a new public COVID-19 resilient accessible toilet block, improving infrastructure in North Uist. This compliments our new Environment Centre at the former Lochmaddy primary school, which is currently in development and will provide a place based immersive cross-generational experience to educate and conserve the islands’ unique natural environment for future generations, whilst nurturing the green recovery.
“Many thanks to HIE for their support and to other funders involved in the wider project. The support has helped us to drive this forward on behalf of the local community with the ultimate aim of providing wide environmental and social benefits for all”.
Point and Sandwick Coastal Community Path SCIO have been awarded funds to support the purchase of e-bikes to allow tourists and locals to explore the area.
Kathleen Stewart from HIE's Innse Gall team, said:
“Community groups have been vital in ensuring emergency funds have reached those most impacted by the effects of COVID-19. More recently we’ve seen demand grow for help as organisations prepare to restart normal activities. Our short term CLTI investments have helped them prepare for a safer re-opening to help welcome tourists back to our islands and bring economic benefits to our communities.”
Tasgadh calpa turasachd na bhuannachd do choimhearsnachdan Innse Gall
Tha deich buidhnean coimhearsnachd ann an Innse Gall ag obair a dh’ionnsaigh soirbheas nas fheàrr a choileanadh às dèidh a’ ghlasaidh-sluaigh, le taic maoineachaidh de £320,141 air a riarachadh le Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean (HIE).
Tha tasgaidhean Bun-structar Turasachd nan Coimhearsnachdan (CLTI) aig HIE a’ cur taic ri pròiseactan calpa tarsainn na roinne gus cuideachadh le ullachadh airson tilleadh sàbhailte do luchd-tadhail.
Tha tasgaidhean ann an Innse Gall air taic a chur ri coimhearsnachdan gus bun-structar a thogail a tha a’ dèiligeadh ri dùbhlain àrainneachdail ionadail sna h-eileanan. Tha iad sin a’ gabhail a-steach goireasan cuidhteis sgudal bhanaichean campachaidh, meudachadh solar sàbhailte de thaighean-beaga, cruthachadh ghoireasan ithe a-muigh agus toirt a-steach e-rothairean mar dhòigh nas seasmhaiche do luchd-tadhail air na h-eileanan a rannsachadh.
Chaidh £91,260 a bhuileachadh air Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn (UOG) airson bun-structar turasachd air a’ bhlàr a-muigh air feadh Oighreachd Ghabhsainn.
Thuirt Lisa NicIllEathain, Àrd-Oifigear UOG:
“Tha an tasgadh air ar cuideachadh le aonad cuidhteis sgudal campachaidh a shuidheachadh, taighean-beaga a thogail, agus àiteachan nas fhasgaiche a-muigh a chruthachadh a thuilleadh air àiteachan suidhe air feadh na h-oighreachd. Dh’fhoillsich sinn làrach-lìn ùr o chionn ghoirid, www. gus ceann a tuath Leòdhais a chur air adhart mar cheann-uidhe agus sgaoil sinn pasgain turasachd le fiosrachadh ionadail gu solaraichean àite-fuirich uile.
“Mar thoradh air ar cultar agus ar n-eachdraidh shaidhbhir, ar costa iongantach agus ar pàirce-cluiche a bhuannaich duaisean, tha mòran aig an sgìre ri thabhann do na h-uile. Tha an taic bho HIE a’ toirt comas dhuinn a bhith nas deiseile a thaobh bun-structar còmhla ris an obair a tha sinn air a ghabhail os làimh mar-thà le adhartachadh agus làimhseachadh chinn-uidhe. Tha sinn airson a dhèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an suidheachadh deimhinneach don dà chuid iadsan a tha a’ tadhal, ach cuideachd don choimhearsnachd a tha an làthair.”
Fhuair Urras Taobh Siar na Hearadh £127,718 airson goireasan àite-campachaidh ath-ùrachadh ann an Seilebost. Cleachdaidh Club Goilf na Hearadh an t-airgead gus ceumannan astarachaidh sòisealta a neartachadh aig raon goilf Sgarastaidh.
Air taobh siar Leòdhais, cleachdaidh Urras Coimhearsnachd Bhradhagair agus Arnoil a’ mhaoin gus cuideachadh le Ionad Grinneabhait a dhèanamh sàbhailte bho COVID, agus goireas còcaireachd is ithe a-muigh a thogail do mhuinntir na coimhearsnachd agus luchd-turais. Tha Urras Leasachaidh Coimhearsnachd Bheàrnaraigh a’ faighinn taic gus cothrom 24 uair-a-thìde air taighean-beaga a chruthachadh aig Tràigh Bhòstaidh do luchd-tadhail agus muinntir an àite.
Ann an Ùig, cuiridh Urras Coimhearsnachd a’ Ghallain Ùigeach àiteachan-suidhe agus beingean-ithe air bhonn a-muigh le taic bhon mhaoin, agus chaidh £6,600 a bhuileachadh air Urras Leasachaidh Ùig airson àirigh iomallach ann am Mangarstadh ath-ùrachadh gus àite-tacsa ullachadh do luchd-coiseachd eadar Ùig agus Na Hearadh.
Bidh Companaidh Leasachaidh Uibhist a Tuath (NUDC) a’ stèidheachadh ghoireasan thaighean-beaga ann an Loch nam Madadh agus bidh Clòimh Uibhist Earranta a’ togail poirdse a-muigh agus a’ cur phannalan eadar-mhìneachaidh ùra air bhonn.
Thuirt Ameena Camps, Manaidsear Pròiseict NUDC:
“Tha an tasgadh aig HIE air comasachadh dhuinn bloca thaighean-beaga ùr poblach a tha fulangach do COVID-19 a thogail, a’ toirt leasachadh air bun-structar ann an Uibhist a Tuath. Tha seo còmhla ris an Ionad Àrainneachd ùr againn ann an seann bhun-sgoil Loch nam Madadh, a tha gu làithreach ga leasachadh agus a sholaraicheas àite airson eòlas bogaidh tar-ghinealach gus àrainneachd nàdarra air leth nan eilean oideachadh agus a ghleidheadh do na ginealaichean ri teachd, agus aig an aon àm ag adhartachadh an ath-shlànachaidh uaine.
“Mòran taing do HIE airson an taic agus do luchd-maoin eile a tha an sàs sa phròiseact nas fharsainge. Tha an taic air ar cuideachadh le seo a stiùireadh air adhart às leth na coimhearsnachd ionadail, leis an amas air buannachdan àrainneachdail is sòisealta fhaotainn do na h-uile.”
Chaidh maoinean a bhuileachadh air Slighe Costa Coimhearsnachd an Rubha agus Shanndabhaig SCIO gus ceadachadh dhaibh e-rothairean a cheannach, airson cothrom a thoirt do luchd-turais agus muinntir na coimhearsnachd air an sgìre a rannsachadh.
Thuirt Kathleen Stiùbhart bho HIE:
“Tha buidhnean coimhearsnachd air a bhith deatamach ann an dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil maoinean èiginn air iadasan a ruighinn, as èiseile fo bhuadhan COVID-19. O chionn ghoirid, tha sinn air iarrtas airson cuideachadh fhaicinn a’ fàs, mar a tha buidhnean ag ullachadh ri gnìomhachdan àbhaisteach a thòiseachadh a-rithist. Tha ar tasgaidhean CLTI geàrr-amail air an cuideachadh le ullachadh airson ath-fhosgladh nas sàbhailte gus cuideachadh le fàilte a chur air luchd-turais air ais do na h-eileanan againn agus buannachdan eaconamach a thoirt air ais do ar coimhearsnachdan.”
A community led project underway to create the new gym has secured up to £36,870 investment from HIE.
Investment by Forres-based Maclean’s Highland Bakery will create up to five new jobs
Highland Galvanizers, is upgrading buildings equipment and infrastructure at is premises in the town’s Pinefield Industrial Estate where it employs 34 people
Lochaline Quartz Sand Limited is set to double its production and increase annual turnover by more than £2.6m.
Fetcha Chocolates Limited is investing in new equipment to quadruple its capacity, increase turnover and create employment.
A major project to create a new visitor hub on the island of Canna in Lochaber has secured a £20,000 contribution from HIE.
HIE has appointed Benbecula company D Macdonald (Building Contractors) Ltd to create seven new units at Eabhal. Business Park
A £1.3m contract has been awarded for the refurbishment of a building on Enterprise Park Forres to create the new Manufacturing Innovation Centre Moray (MICM).
The funding can help cover the costs of equipment, new technology or fixtures and fittings, or to construct, adapt or upgrade business premises or other infrastructure.
The transformation at John O’Groats has attracted millions of pounds in investment through private, public and community-led initiatives.