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Business survey report

Published: 23/03/2021

HIE has published a report on its latest survey of a thousand businesses across the region, from a variety of sectors.

Carried out in February it is the 18th Business Panel Survey commissioned by HIE over the past six years.

In the context of the pandemic and Brexit it covers topics such as economic confidence, workforce, risks and opportunities, and international trade.

The findings show that economic confidence remains low, but less so than in previous surveys carried out over the past year.

It also shows that COVID-19 and the potential for future lockdown restrictions is considered the main risk facing most businesses in the next six months.

Martin Johnson, HIE’s director of strategy and regional economy, said:

“We are extremely grateful to all those who have taken part in the survey. Once again, they have provided some really valuable feedback and detailed insights into the challenges and opportunities facing businesses in the region.

“We already know that the Highlands and Islands has been disproportionately affected by the pandemic and that Brexit is also likely to have a bigger impact on the region than many other parts of the UK. The feedback received through the Business Panel surveys helps to inform decisions on how support should be tailored to best meet the region’s needs and maximise our opportunities.”

The full Business Panel survey report is available on the research and reports section of HIE’s website.

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