Funding award to Canna community visitor hub
A major project to create a new visitor hub on the island of Canna in Lochaber has secured a £20,000 contribution from HIE.
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The renewed Gaelic Plan 2022-27 sets out HIE's aims and ambitions for Gaelic over the next five years and details how these will be achieved through specific actions. It builds on the progress made in the organisation's previous plan which covered the period from 2016-21.
Organisations and members of the public can now read the draft plan and take part in the consultation until 11 February. The final version will be presented for consideration by Bòrd na Gàidhlig by 8 March.
Research by HIE and others confirms that the language is an important asset, capable of being used in many different ways to add value to businesses and organisations across the country.
HIE has a strong track record of recognising and supporting the cultural and commercial value of Gaelic through a range of activities. This has included providing substantial funding for organisations that led the development and delivery of programmes that promote and celebrate the language and encourage its use.
The latest plan sets out clear goals and measurable targets to ensure Gaelic is respected and practised within the organisation. The plan will also focus on a commitment to capitalise on the significant opportunities arising from the language's potential contribution in helping to drive place based economic growth in the HIE area.
Corporately, HIE values Gaelic and promotes its use within the organisation. By providing its services, information, resources and opportunities in the medium of Gaelic, the agency continues to serve Gaelic-speaking customers in their own language.
Carroll Buxton, interim chief executive at HIE, said: “Our commitment to Gaelic is ongoing and for the long term will continue to be guided by strategic initiatives including national plans from the Scottish Government and Bòrd na Gàidhlig. We look forward to working with our partner organisations across the Gàidhealtachd and further afield to deliver the actions detailed in this Gaelic Plan.”
How to submit a response
The consultation can be accessed at
and responses can be submitted to by 11 February 2022.
Note to editors: HIE was one of the first public bodies to be required by Bord na Gàidhlig, the Scottish Government’s Gaelic agency, to draft and implement a plan which contributes to securing a sustainable future for the language. This will be HIE’s fourth iteration of its Gaelic Plan.
Tha Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean (HIE) air co-chomhairleachadh poblach a chur air bhog mu dhreachd Plana Gàidhlig a’ bhuidhinn.
Tha am Plana Gàidhlig ath-ùraichte seo airson 2022-27 a’ mìneachadh amasan agus cinn-uidhe HIE a thaobh na Gàidhlig thar nan còig bliadhna a tha ri teachd agus a’ toirt mion-fhiosrachadh air mar a thèid iad sin a choileanadh tro ghnìomhan sònraichte. Tha e a’ togail air an adhartas a bha dèante rè a’ phlana mu dheireadh aig a’ bhuidheann, a bha a’ còmhdach na h-ùine bho 2016-21.
Faodaidh buidhnean agus buill den phoball an dreach plana a leughadh a-nis agus pàirt a ghabhail sa cho-chomhairleachadh gu 11 Gearran. Thèid an tionndadh deireannach a thaisbeanadh airson beachdachadh bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig ro 8 Màrt.
Tha rannsachadh le HIE agus buidhnean eile a’ dearbhadh gur e so-mhaoin chudromach a th’ anns a’ chànan, comasach air a cleachdadh ann am mòran diofar dhòighean gus luach a chur ri gnothachasan agus buidhnean air feadh na dùthcha.
Tha cliù làidir aig HIE ann a bhith a’ tuigsinn agus a’ cur taic ri luach cultarach agus coimearsalta na Gàidhlig tro raon de ghnìomhachdan. Tha seo a’ gabhail a-steach a bhith a’ toirt maoineachadh susbainteach do bhuidhnean a stiùir leasachadh agus lìbhrigeadh air prògraman a tha ag adhartachadh agus a’ comharrachadh a’ chànain agus a’ brosnachadh a cleachdaidh.
Tha am plana mu dheireadh a’ mìneachadh chinn-uidhe shoilleir agus targaidean a ghabhas an tomhas gus a dhèanamh cinnteach gu bheil a’ Ghàidhlig a’ faighinn spèis agus air a cleachdadh taobh a-staigh a’ bhuidhinn. Bidh am plana cuideachd a’ cuimseachadh air a’ ghealltanas gu calpachadh air na cothroman brìgheil a tha ag èirigh bho thabhartas a’ chànain an lùib fàs eaconamach stèidhichte air àite ann an sgìre HIE.
Gu corporra, tha HIE a’ cur luach air a’ Ghàidhlig agus ag adhartachadh a cleachdaidh taobh a-staigh a’ bhuidhinn. Le bhith a’ solarachadh a seirbheisean, fiosrachadh, goireasan agus cothroman tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig, tha am buidheann a’ leantainn air adhart a’ frithealadh theachdaichean aig a bheil Gàidhlig, nan cànan fhèin.
Thuirt Carroll Buxton, an t-àrd-oifigear eadar-amail aig HIE: “Tha ar dealas a thaobh na Gàidhlig leantainneach agus airson an fhad-ama agus leanaidh sinn a bhith air ar stiùireadh le iomairtean ro-innleachdail, a’ gabhail a-steach planaichean nàiseanta bho Riaghaltas na h-Alba agus Bòrd na Gàidhlig. Tha sinn a’ coimhead air adhart ri bhith ag obair le buidhnean com-pàirteachais air feadh na Gàidhealtachd agus nas fhaide air falbh gus na gnìomhan a tha mìnichte sa Phlana Ghàidhlig seo a lìbhrigeadh.”
Gabhaidh an co-chomhairleachadh a ruighinn aig
agus faodar freagairtean a chur a-steach gu ro 11 Gearran 2022.
Notaichean do luchd-deasachaidh: B’ e HIE aon de na ciad bhuidhnean poblach air an robh riatanas bho Bhord na Gàidhlig, buidheann Gàidhlig Riaghaltas na h-Alba, gu plana a dhreachadh agus a bhuileachadh a chuidicheadh le tèarainteachd a thoirt don chànan mu choinneamh an ama ri teachd. Is e seo an ceathramh ath-thriall aig HIE den Phlana Ghàidhlig.
A major project to create a new visitor hub on the island of Canna in Lochaber has secured a £20,000 contribution from HIE.
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