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HIE welcomes Audit Scotland Cairngorm report

Published: 18/06/2020

Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) has welcomed the publication of a report by Audit Scotland, into the agency's appointment and management of an operator for Cairngorm Mountain from 2014 to 2018.

Charlotte Wright HIE chief executive
Charlotte Wright: photo by Ewen Weatherspoon (banner image by Trevor Martin)

Charlotte Wright, HIE chief executive, said:

"Both Audit Scotland and the Scottish Government have now carried out thorough investigations of HIE’s decision to appoint Natural Assets Investments Ltd (NAIL) and of the period when they ran operations at Cairngorm.

"We welcome these findings, which provide a valuable insight into an extremely challenging set of circumstances for Cairngorm and for HIE.

"Their conclusions support the view that HIE acted correctly and professionally throughout this period.

"The reports also make important recommendations, including measures to assess and manage key risks. We have already taken these points on board and put new processes in place to provide additional safeguards, while recognising that intelligent risk-taking plays an essential role in economic development.

"We are now focused on finalising the full business case that will determine next steps to deal with the funicular, and engaging with stakeholders to create a long-term Cairngorm masterplan.

"This will aim to protect and enhance the natural environment and develop the mountain’s potential as a major Scottish centre for sport, leisure and education and a key driver of the local economy in Strathspey and Badenoch."

The Audit Scotland announcement is available here.

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