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Cairngorm masterplan development enters final stage

Published: 23/07/2020

Members of the public are being invited to make further contributions to the development of a masterplan for the Cairngorm mountain visitor attraction, as the process enters its final stage.

Skier gliding down snow covered hill at Cairngorm Mountain Resort

Cairngorm Estate owner, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), will publish a vision and strategy document on Friday 24 July.

The document was prepared by commissioned contractors, 360 Architecture and Jura Consultants, and is the result of widespread and detailed consultation with the statutory authorities, local community and stakeholder organisations across Scotland carried out in February and March this year.

The aim is to agree a consensus vision for the future of Cairngorm Estate, with strategies of varying scales that can be delivered in the short, medium and longer term.

An online survey will go live on Wednesday 29 July to give people the opportunity to comment on these areas, as a final stage in the masterplan’s development. The closing date for submissions is Monday 31 August.

Dave Macleod, HIE’s head of property and infrastructure, said:

“There was a tremendous response to the consultations carried out earlier this year. The process highlighted the variety of relationships that people have with Cairngorm and the many different views on how best to manage it as a public asset.

“We are extremely grateful to all those who took part. From their responses, our consultants have drawn out common themes and areas of consensus from the series of visions and set out proposed strategies.

“This final stage of public engagement is about gathering additional feedback on those visions and strategies so we can finalise the masterplan. We ask anyone with an interest in the future management of Cairngorm Estate to read through this document and let us know what they think by completing the online questionnaire.

“The ultimate aim is to develop a long-term way forward for Cairngorm that can achieve the strongest possible buy-in from the statutory authorities, operating company, local residents, businesses, sportspeople and visitors.”

The final version of the Cairngorm Estate masterplan is due to be published in September.

View the draft vision and strategy

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