John O’Groats marks 15 years of ‘remarkable’ transformation
The transformation at John O’Groats has attracted millions of pounds in investment through private, public and community-led initiatives.
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Development agency Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) is applying to the Scottish Land Court for consent to build, operate and, ultimately, decommission Space Hub Sutherland on a crofting estate on the A’Mhoine peninsula.
The spaceport plans have already received planning approval from the Highland Council, with up to 12 launches a year permitted.
Scottish Land Court consent is required as the project would be developed on crofting land, currently classed as common grazing.
The 2,464 acre site (759 acres for core subjects, plus a 1,705-acre exclusion zone) is owned by Melness Crofters Estate, who have granted HIE a lease option.
Infrastructure planned for the spaceport includes a control centre, assembly facilities, offices, roadway, launch pad and antennas. These would occupy up to 13 acres within the core subjects’ area.
Any crofter with livestock on the common grazing would be asked to move their animals for periods around launch days. Removal would be arranged by the committee of the common grazings, who would receive compensation from the developer.
Space Hub Sutherland will be a small-scale, commercial spaceport, launching micro-satellites into orbit. HIE expects satellites launched from Sutherland to be used for telecommunications and Earth observation, including weather mapping and gathering data to monitor climate change.
Vertical launch is recognised as a key element of the UK’s growing space capability and the Sutherland project has the potential to support up to 250 high quality jobs in the Highlands and Islands, including more than 40 at the launch site itself.
Construction is scheduled to begin next year, with a view to first launch potentially taking place before the end of 2022.
The transformation at John O’Groats has attracted millions of pounds in investment through private, public and community-led initiatives.
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CMSL board member Tim Hurst will become interim chief executive
The new Leica scanner will enable Envision to offer a broader range of services to existing and new clients.
The HIE funding will help meet the costs of plant and equipment and help lever in significant private sector investment to the project.
As a result of HIE’s support, businesses in the area are set to see combined turnover rise by £22.4m, while international sales will grow by £661,000.
The new product has been developed by Dunoon-based former construction industry director Allister Wood
There was support for businesses and social enterprises to lower emissions and improve efficiencies within their operations.
As a result of HIE’s support, businesses in Moray are forecast to see combined turnover rise by more than £85m and international sales by almost £14m.
The project is expected to continue to attract innovative marine businesses, creating new well-paid job opportunities, particularly for young people, and encouraging entrepreneurship.
As a result of HIE support, businesses in the area will see total turnover rise by £14.5m and international sales by £1.9m.
Joanna Peteranna took up the role on 1 July.