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Argyll renewables firm expands

Published: 05/09/2019

An Argyll renewables company is to increase its production capacity and boost turnover after securing investment of up to £20,307 from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE).

The project, by Renewable Parts Limited (RPL) in Lochgilphead, will also create two new full-time jobs.

RPL is a key logistics supplier to the renewables Industry, providing specialist technical and logistical supply chain services to the wind and renewable energy industry in the UK, Ireland and Continental Europe. This includes replacement parts and consumables for out-of-warranty wind farms.

RPL has identified a new market in providing replacement parts and consumables to sites with out-of-warranty wind farms.

Extending its manufacturing processes will enable to company to transform used products into assets through remanufacturing, reuse, product disassembly and reprocessing.

It will help reduce waste, not just from manufacturing processes, but systematically throughout the product life−cycle and in the industry more widely.

Gary Haldane, business development account manager with HIE in Argyll, said:

“Renewable energy is a growth sector presenting many new opportunities for businesses in the region. It is important that we help high-growth firms capitalise on these opportunities, particularly where this leads to increased trade, business growth and job creation in rural areas.

“This project will help RPL take the next step in its growth journey, supporting and creating jobs and strengthening community resilience in mid-Argyll. We very much welcome their innovative approach and pleased to be able to provide support.”

Michael Forbes, general manager and the RPL refurbishment centre, said:

“HIE have been a strong advocate of Renewable Parts Ltd ever since the business was founded. We are delighted with the many forms of support, including training, guidance and financial. The most recent capital project has allowed the business to take advantage of a gap in the market for refurbished components. This is helping to create a circular economy where it was much needed, as well as further local jobs in an area of population decline. We very much look forward to continuing to work with HIE as the business continues to grow.”

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