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Highlands and Islands supply chain set to shine at All-Energy 2018

Published: 01/05/2018

Thirty-four of the region’s businesses will take centre stage at the UK’s biggest renewable energy exhibition and conference in the SEC, Glasgow on the 2-3 May.

In conjunction with Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), the businesses will exhibit over the two-day event on the HI-Energy pavilion which once again will host the largest regional presence at the show.

The conference sessions cover a wide range of topics, and HIE’s director of energy and low carbon, Audrey MacIver amongst others from HIE will be presenting or chairing sessions throughout the two days.

Chair of HIE, Lorne Crerar will welcome guests to the event at the HI-energy pavilion.

HIE manages the over-arching HI-energy pavilion on behalf of the region’s energy industry to ensure the area’s extensive renewable energy offerings are promoted. This includes its world-leading role in offshore renewables, experienced supply chain and first-class facilities.

The region will be well represented with businesses from a range of expertise areas across the renewable energy sector, including onshore and offshore wind, biomass, wave and tidal and ports and harbours.

There have been many significant milestones in the region’s renewable energy sector since last year’s event, including; Stornoway Port Authority completing seabed testing to help capitalise on a range of energy sector opportunities; Fair Isle Electricity Company’s innovative low carbon system providing 24 hours of electricity for the first time; European Marine Energy centre (EMEC) in Orkney continuing its world-leading work in the renewables sector and successfully supporting the deployment of more grid-connected devices; Orkney’s Scotrenewables Tidal Power setting a world record with its SR2000 2MW floating tidal turbine clocking up over 1GWh at EMEC; and Atlantis Resources’ MeyGen project in the Pentland Firth surpassing 6GWh and making significant strides with this growing sector.

HIE’s Audrey MacIver said: “All-Energy is one of the most important events of the year for us and our companies. It is an integral part of the business calendar for the renewable energy sector and it represents an ideal opportunity for these companies to meet like-minded people from the renewable energy sector across the globe.

“Our ongoing presence at the show is testament to the significant volume of renewables activity taking place in our region. These include world first projects in community renewables, leading expertise in energy engineering and supply chain companies, and world-class port and harbour infrastructure.

“The potential benefits from the sector to a wide variety of businesses across the region are becoming a reality and projects are really taking off.”

All-Energy is held in association with the Renewable Energy Association (REA); HIE; Scottish Enterprise; Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (AREG) and host city Glasgow.

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