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Uplift review consultants visit Cairngorm

Published: 19/03/2018

Specialist consultants visited Cairngorm this month ahead of carrying out a major review of ski uplift infrastructure on Cairngorm Mountain commissioned by HIE.

Claire Humber and Pete Williams, directors of recently appointed US consultancy SE Group, came across the pond for an eight-day familiarisation trip. During the visit they met some of the local stakeholders who will be consulted as part of the review. SE Group will make a number of visits to Cairngorm during the review, with the next one due in June.

Susan Smith, HIE’s head of business development, said:

“We crammed a lot into this initial trip to ensure that SE Group have a solid understanding of the geographic challenges, as well as the potential economic opportunities at Cairngorm. We will maintain close contact with the team over the next eight months or so, as they carry out the review.”

Pictured from the left: Claire Humber and Pete Williams from SE Group

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