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Apply now for Rural Leadership Programme

Published: 29/06/2018

People from across the Highlands and Islands can now apply to take part in this year’s Rural Leadership Programme.

Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) has joined forces with Scottish Enterprise to launch the programme which will see 15 businesses gain leadership skills and confidence to help drive forward their rural business.

The popular programme is aimed at ambitious farmers, rural business managers or employees involved in running or working in a small to medium sized business in the region.  A variety of people will be recruited for the programme, from young people working early in their careers through to managing directors.

The programme is delivered by SAC Consulting for the six-month series of workshops and events running from late October 2018 to early March 2019.

The programme is open to applications from across all sectors of the rural economy, including from primary production, food and drink, tourism environmental services, and from any small to medium rural business, from family businesses to social enterprises.

An information evening will be held at 7:30-9:30pm on Tuesday 3rd July at An Lòchran, 10 Inverness Campus, to give people more information about the benefits of the programme.

There will also be a webinar on the 4th July at 7.30pm to register and to get the weblink.

Those interested should contact

For further info about the webinar please contact

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