Highland Soap Company company to expand
The Highland Soap Company has secured a £51,400 investment towards £205,600 expansion project.
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Bha an seinneadair agus neach-ciùil ainmeil Julie Fowlis còmhla ri Iseabail Nic an t-Sagairt, Stiùiriche Ro-innleachd is Co-bhanntachd MG ALBA, agus Agnes Rennie, Manaidsear aig an fhoillsichear Ghàidhlig, Acair, agus a tha na Cathraiche air Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn ann an Iar-thuath Leòdhais, a’ lìbhrigeadh seisean 'The Gaelic Angle' ann an Cùirt Eden aig 10m.
Anns an t-seisean thèid còmhradh a chumail mu na dùbhlain a tha aig a’ Ghàidhlig agus dè a tha a’ dèanamh cultar agus cànain na Gàidhlig cho tarraingeach do shluagh mòr air feadh an t-saoghail.
Le BBC ALBA a’ comharrachadh 10 bliadhna am-bliadhna seo fhèin bidh Mairead Màiri Mhoireach, Ceann Seirbheis BBC ALBA agus Iseabail Nic an t-Sagairt a’ coimhead air ais air an t-sianal bho thòisich e a’ craoladh airson a’ chiad uair ann an 2008. Thèid BBC ALBA: The Showcase 10 Years On air adhart ann an Cùirt Eden aig 11.15m air Diardaoin 28 Ògmhios. Tha an dà thachartas saor ’s an-asgaidh.
Cuideachd mar phàirt den fhèis bidh Brian O hEadhra, Oifigear Ealain is Cultair aig Bòrd na Gàidhlig agus Alba Chruthachail, anns a’ chathair airson an t-seisein Highland Cool air Diardaoin 28 Ògmhios a’ tòiseachadh aig 10m ann an Cùirt Eden. Thèid coimhead air na h-adhbharan carson a tha a’ Ghàidhealtachd agus na h-Eileanan cho tarraingeach do luchd cruthachail agus na dùbhlain agus na buannachdan a thig bho bhith an sàs ann an gnìomhachas cruthachail air a’ Ghàidhealtachd agus sna h-Eileanan. Tha an seisean seo cuideachd saor ’s an-asgaidh airson faighinn a-steach.
Thuirt Iain Hamilton Ceann Gnìomhachasan Cruthachail HIE: “Thèid a’ Ghàidhlig a thaisbeanadh mar phàirt den fhèis XpoNorth far an tèid a’ chànain air beulaibh cuid den fheadhainn as cudromaich agus as buadhmhoire anns na gnìomhachasan cruthachail san t-saoghal. Tha ùidh aig riochdairean eadar-nàiseanta anns na seiseanan Gàidhlig agus tha sinn a’ toirt taing do MG ALBA, BBC ALBA, Acair agus BBC Radio nan Gàidheal airson taic a chur ri fèis na bliadhna sa.”
Tha tachartasan co-cheangailte ri Sgrion, Fasan, Obair-aodaich, Meadhanan Didseatach agus Teicneòlas cuideachd gu bhith ann mar phàirt den fhèis thairis air an dà là agus cuideachd seiseanan ciùil air feadh a’ bhaile far am bi na seinneadairean Gàidhlig, Brian O hEadhra agus Fiona NicChoinnich, am measg na bhios a’ seinn. Bidh sgioba Rapal bho BBC Radio nan Gàidheal a’ clàradh cuid de na còmhlain agus bidh am preasantair Derek Moireach cuideachd a’ gabhail pàirt ann an seisean, Scotland’s Radio Sector
Gheibhear fios mu chlàr na fèise XpoNorth 2018 air www.xponorth.co.uk
Delegates at XpoNorth 2018 heard from leading figures in the Gaelic creative industries as XpoNorth kicked off today (27 June).
Among the panels at Scotland’s leading creative industries festival was 'The Gaelic Angle' which focused on why Gaelic matters and how it can keep its profile up in the creative industries.
Those who attend today heard from multi award-winning singer and musician Julie Fowlis; Iseabail Mactaggart, Director of Strategy and Partnerships at MG ALBA and Agnes Rennie, Manager at Acair Publishing in Stornoway and who is also Chair of the community-owned Galson Estate Trust in the north west of the Isle of Lewis. The session centred around the challenges facing the Gaelic sector and what makes the Gaelic language and culture so alluring to many around the world.
More focus on Gaelic will feature tomorrow (Thursday 28 June) at BBC ALBA: The Showcase, 10 Years On which will see Margaret Mary Murray, BBC ALBA Head of Service and Iseabail Mactaggart take a look back at the highlights of 10 years of the Gaelic channel which first began broadcasting in September 2008. BBC ALBA: The Showcase will take place at Eden Court on Thursday 28 June @ 11.15am – Free Entry.
Brian O hEadhra, Gaelic Arts Officer with Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Creative Scotland, will chair Highland Cool (Thursday 28 June) which will look at the factors which make the Highlands and Islands an attractive creative destination and the challenges and benefits of operating a creative business in the Highlands and Islands. Thursday 28 June @10am, Eden Court – Free Entry.
XpoNorth is funded by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Support from HIE and its networks has allowed new talent to diversify into new international markets.
Iain Hamilton, HIE Head of Creative Industries, said: “XpoNorth will once again feature sessions in relation to Gaelic and the creative industries at this year’s festival which will place the language and culture in front of some of the most influential decision makers globally in the creative industries. These sessions are attracting interest from international delegates and we are grateful to MG ALBA, BBC ALBA, Acair and BBC Radio nan Gàidheal for their support of this year’s event.”
XpoNorth 2018 also includes events covering Screen, Fashion, Textiles, Digital and Technology while the Music strand will include Brian O hEadhra and Fiona Mackenzie who will be amongst those performing at venues across the city. The team from BBC Radio nan Gàidheal’s Rapal music programme will also be recording various performances for future broadcast while presenter Derek Murray will be on a panel looking at Scotland’s Radio Sector.
XpoNorth takes place across the 27th & 28th of June in Inverness and is completely free to attend and accessible to all. You must register via Eventbrite here.
For live updates follow XpoNorth on Twitter: @XpoNorth and use #XpoNorth18
The Highland Soap Company has secured a £51,400 investment towards £205,600 expansion project.
The Isle of Skye Candle Company is refurbishing the Aros Centre in Portree as part of its expansion
XpoNorth, HIE’s specialist support mechanism for creative industries, is including storytelling as a theme for its annual conference this year.
XpoNorth panel to shine a light on Gaelic perspectives across the Atlantic
An increase in demand for video production services has led to a Moray firm establishing a new video production academy, which opened this week (21 June).
People across the Highlands and Islands who are involved in any of the creative industries are being encouraged to register for this year’s XpoNorth conference, which takes place on 16 and 17 June.
A designer who is keeping the Fair Isle knitting tradition alive on the island has been awarded £40,842 from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) to expand her business.
Iain Hamilton, HIE’s head of creative industries, on what’s 'cunningly' different about this year’s XpoNorth annual conference.
Steps to increase capacity and productivity at Shetland’s only commercial woollen mill have secured up to £45,850 from Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
An Isle of Lewis-based television production company has recently expanded its development team with support from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE).