Funding award for Tiree gym
A community led project underway to create the new gym has secured up to £36,870 investment from HIE.
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It’s open to SMEs which want to develop areas such as cyber security, data analytics and software engineering, and/or increase the digital skills of their staff.
The Scottish Government is introducing the 0% interest rates loans, helping firms to spread the cost of investment over 3 to 5 years. This fund will enable businesses to meet the upfront business costs of investing in digital technology and skills by using government funding to pay for immediate investment, repaying the funding in later years at no extra cost. Loans of £5,000 to £50,000 are available.
Economy Secretary Keith Brown said:
“We are committed to investing £36 million to improve Scotland’s digital productivity and ensure we are ready to embrace the opportunities of a digitally driven economy in the future. The £2 million Digital Development Loan is the first phase of that process and will provide access to finance for small and medium sized businesses who want to improve their digital capabilities and the skillset of their staff.
“The Scottish Government will continue to work with business to ensure companies across Scotland have support they require to invest in their company, their staff and in their digital future.”
Lanarkshire Enterprise Services Ltd (LESL), have been awarded the tender to deliver and manage the Digital Development Loan. LESL provides specialist business support for small to medium enterprises to help their businesses grow and succeed.
Liz McCutcheon Operations Manager at LESL said
"We are delighted to have the opportunity to manage the Digital Development Loan on behalf of the Scottish Government. This loan will be a great asset to Scottish Businesses to help them increase their digital skills, invest in digital equipment and ultimately support the deployment of digitally enabled processes to boost the economy in Scotland."
Find out more and apply online here
A community led project underway to create the new gym has secured up to £36,870 investment from HIE.
Wreckspeditions Dive Charters Limited offers scuba diving charters in the Firth of Clyde.
Investment by Forres-based Maclean’s Highland Bakery will create up to five new jobs
Fetcha Chocolates Limited is investing in new equipment to quadruple its capacity, increase turnover and create employment.
A major project to create a new visitor hub on the island of Canna in Lochaber has secured a £20,000 contribution from HIE.
The project by Oban based Tritonia Scientific Limited will support four jobs and is forecast to increase the company’s turnover by more than £1m within three years.
Gow’s Lybster Limited is installing Migatronic CoWelders that will significantly improve productivity and ensure consistent high-quality workmanship.
The project is forecast to generate more than £340,000 turnover in the next three years and create three jobs within five years.
Underwater ecological survey company Ocean Ecology is developing the state-of-the-art lab in its existing facilities at the European Marine Science Park (EMSP) near Oban.
The improvements will enable the company to continue its growth through increased capacity and efficiencies in production.
The new Leica scanner will enable Envision to offer a broader range of services to existing and new clients.
The HIE funding will help meet the costs of plant and equipment and help lever in significant private sector investment to the project.