Funding award for Tiree gym
A community led project underway to create the new gym has secured up to £36,870 investment from HIE.
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The UK government is investing £67m in the Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme. It can be used by small businesses to contribute towards the installation cost of a full fibre connection.
Businesses anywhere in the Highlands and Islands are eligible.
An individual business can claim up to £3,000 towards the cost of connection. They can apply individually, or it is possible to join with other nearby businesses and/or residential premises to make a group application.
Residents, who can only apply alongside a business, can claim for a voucher up to £500.
John Robertson, Programme Manager of the Inverness and Highland City Region Deal, commented: “We’d encourage businesses which are considering an investment in future proofed connectivity to look at the scheme.
“Eligible suppliers will help identify the costs of building a full fibre connection. The Voucher contribution could tip the financial balance for businesses already seriously considering upgrading existing services. There could be benefits for small to medium sized companies, business parks, or business and residential clusters interested in full fibre.”
The Voucher scheme builds on the Highland Council and Highlands and Islands Enterprise’s announcement last month that a partnership bid had successfully secured £4.7m for full fibre networks in Inverness, Fort William, Wick and Thurso.
Stuart Robertson, Director of Digital at HIE, commented: “This is a great opportunity for businesses to get access to full fibre connections, which can provide a huge leap forward in connection speeds. It offers businesses with a critical need for extended bandwidth an option to get the kind of connection they need.”
Full details of the voucher scheme - including eligibility, and full terms and conditions - are available at
A community led project underway to create the new gym has secured up to £36,870 investment from HIE.
Wreckspeditions Dive Charters Limited offers scuba diving charters in the Firth of Clyde.
Investment by Forres-based Maclean’s Highland Bakery will create up to five new jobs
Fetcha Chocolates Limited is investing in new equipment to quadruple its capacity, increase turnover and create employment.
A major project to create a new visitor hub on the island of Canna in Lochaber has secured a £20,000 contribution from HIE.
The project by Oban based Tritonia Scientific Limited will support four jobs and is forecast to increase the company’s turnover by more than £1m within three years.
Gow’s Lybster Limited is installing Migatronic CoWelders that will significantly improve productivity and ensure consistent high-quality workmanship.
The project is forecast to generate more than £340,000 turnover in the next three years and create three jobs within five years.
Underwater ecological survey company Ocean Ecology is developing the state-of-the-art lab in its existing facilities at the European Marine Science Park (EMSP) near Oban.
The improvements will enable the company to continue its growth through increased capacity and efficiencies in production.
The new Leica scanner will enable Envision to offer a broader range of services to existing and new clients.
The HIE funding will help meet the costs of plant and equipment and help lever in significant private sector investment to the project.