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Board members wanted for Highlands and Islands Enterprise

Published: 11/04/2018

People with a wide range of skills and experience in business and community development are being invited to apply to join the Board of Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE).

The region’s development agency is looking for three new non-executive directors to fill positions that will become vacant at the start of July.

Each appointment will be for three years. The deadline for applications is midnight on 24 April.

Full details, including an application pack, are available on the Public Appointments Scotland website ( ).

Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean a’ sireadh buill ùr son Bhòrd-stiùiridh

Tha Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd 's nan Eilean (HIE) a’ toirt cuireadh do dhaoine le iomadh sgilean agus eòlas ann an leasachadh gnìomhachais agus coimhearsnachd, tagradh a chuir a-steach airson a bhith nam buill air a’ Bhòrd-stiùiridh.

Tha a’ bhuidheann leasachaidh a’ sireadh triùir luchd-stiùiridh ùr neo-ghnìomhach airson àitean bàn aig toiseach An t-Iuchar.

Bidh gach dreuchd airson trì bliadhna. ’S e ceann-là dùnaidh meadhan-oidhche 24 An Giblean.

Tha barrachd fiosrachaidh agus paca-iarrtais ri fhaighinn air làrach-lìn Dreuchdan Poblach na h-Alba ( ).


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