Food and Drink TechHUB support programme

Net Zero Mobilisation

What is it? 

This is an intensive support programme for food and drink businesses based in the Highland council area working towards a net zero action plan.  

Working towards your net zero plan, over the course of the programme, we will help you to: develop your knowledge around climate change and the impacts your business may have; help you to baseline and benchmark your emissions, and identify sources of support available to you. 

We'll work through a series of initial stages to determine what's the best type of support for you. That'll include:

  • a net zero maturity assessment questionnaire to help determine the most appropriate support for you, and how to help you advance your net zero journey
  • an initial kick-off session and look at data requests/capture
  • data analysis and calculations around emissions 
  • putting together and developing your net zero action plan 

One of our consultants will help you assess the results and identify the next steps for your journey. By the end of this programme, you will have: 

  • a baseline of your carbon footprint
  • a net zero action plan, including emissions reduction targets
  • a costed carbon reduction opportunity assessment
  • a green house gas trajectory model
  • access to virtual net zero training webinars

Who is eligible?

To be eligible for this support, you must be:

  • a small to medium sized enterprise (SME) food and drink or supply chain businesses (For a definition of an SME, please see this guide).
  • operating in the Highland Council area
  • operating for 12-months or longer
  • compliant with HIE’s fair work conditionality

Who is not eligible?

  • Businesses and social enterprises that are not based in the Highland Council area.
  • Large enterprises including Individual businesses, social enterprises or where a group of businesses together is part of a large enterprise. (definition of a large enterprise noted above).
  • Accommodation providers, for example hotels, bed & breakfast, self-catering, etc.
  • Food and beverage service, for example restaurants, bars, mobile catering, etc.
  • Direct to consumer retail activities of food and drink.
  • Organisations which are primarily core funded by the public sector are not eligible (core funding does not include project funding and service level agreements with the public sector).
  • Consultancy and other support services.

What's the time commitment?

One to one business support will commence January/February 2025 until December 2025 (start date may be flexible). 

What is the cost?

The cost to participate in this year-long programme will be £250 per business.

Application process 

There is a two-stage application process for this programme. Stage one involves completing our online enquiry form, please provide as much information as possible to help us access your enquiry. 

You will hear about the outcome of your enquiry within seven working days.

If your application is successful, one of our development managers will contract you to advise what's need for a stage two application. 

The deadline for submitting your initial enquiry is 31 January 2025.

TechHub Net Zero support - support enquiry

Please complete our Food and Drink TechHUB enquiry form by 28 March, providing as much information as possible.

Food and Drink TechHUB enquiry form

Food and Drink TechHUB support

Have a look at how else we can support you through our Food and Drink TechHUB support programmes.

Food and Drink TechHUB

Helping food and drink producers and supply chain businesses in the Highland Council area with access to expert advice, funding, events and networking opportunities.

Food and Drink TechHUB capital grant

Our TechHUB Capital grant supports food and drink producers, and those in the supply chain, based in the Highland Council area introduce new technology and data innovation to the workplace.

Food and Drink TechHUB training grant

The Food and Drink TechHUB training grant offers organisations up to £3,000 towards upskilling your workforce in the use of new technologies and data driven innovation.

Food and Drink TechHUB network

The Food and Drink TechHUB network supports organisations develop new products and markets, improve productivity and create efficiencies within the business.

Food and Drink TechHUB technology advice

The Food and Drink TechHUB offers specialist advice to food and drink organisations who are looking to implement new technology to improve their productivity and/or reduce their carbon emissions.


About the Northern Innovation Hub

The Food and Drink TechHUB (formally the Highland Food and Drink Innovation Network) is delivered through the Northern Innovation Hub, a funding programme designed to build on and accelerate business innovation.

The Northern Innovation Hub was awarded £11m from the UK Government as part of the Inverness and Highland City-Region Deal. The deal is a joint initiative supported by £315m investment from the UK and Scottish governments, Highland Council, HIE and the University of the Highlands and Islands. This programme also receives financial support through the European Regional Development Fund Scotland Programme.

Explore all business support delivered through the Northern Innovation Hub.


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