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We support businesses, communities and social enterprises through a range of support services, including advice, funding, events and property. Find out how we can help you.
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Tha a’ Mhaoin Dùbhlain Dhidseatach a’ tabhann cothrom brosnachail air pròiseactan seanchais ann an Gàidhlig a leasachadh, a tha a’ cleachdadh comas nan àrd-ùrlaran didseatach airson com-pàirt luchd-èisteachd ann an dòighean ùra agus ùr-ghnàthach a bhrosnachadh. Le còig thabhartasan de £5,000 rim faotainn, do luchd-labhairt fileanta na Gàidhlig a tha 35 bliadhna dh’ aois agus nas òige, tha a’ mhaoin air a dealbhadh airson taic a thoirt do mhodhan-obrach cruthachail a tha a’ toirt beò sgeulachdan, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil am beartas cultarach agus an tùs aca a’ dèanamh ceangal ri luchd-èisteachd didseatach co-aimsireil.
Tha an iomairt seo ag amas air slighean ùra fhoillseachadh airson seanchas ann an Gàidhlig, a’ brosnachadh chruthaichearan susbaint gu rannsachadh a dhèanamh air mar as urrainn do dh’innealan didseatach com-pàirt luchd-èisteachd àrdachadh, com-pàirteachasan coimearsalta fhàs agus dualchas saidhbhir na Gàidhlig a chomharrachadh. Tha e cuideachd ag amas air an t-iarrtas airson susbaint Ghàidhlig a tha a’ sìor-fhàs a choileanadh, ga lìbhrigeadh ann an dòighean a tha a’ co-thaobhadh leis a’ chruth-tìre dhidseatach a tha a’ fàs mean air mhean agus le dòchasan luchd-cleachdaidh ùr aig ìre roinneil, nàiseanta agus eadar-nàiseanta.
Ma tha thu dìoghrasach mu dheidhinn fìorachd seanchais ann an Gàidhlig a ghlèidheadh, agus gabhail ri dòighean ùra agus ùr-ghnàthach air na sgeulachdan sin a roinn tro àrd-ùrlaran didseatach, tha a’ mhaoin seo a’ tabhann nan goireasan agus an taic airson do lèirsinn a thoirt beò.
Tha am prògram a’ gabhail a-steach sreath ghoirid de sheiseanan oideachaidh air-loidhne gus taic a thoirt do thagraichean le am beachdan a ghleusadh agus comas nan àrd-ùrlaran didseatach a rannsachadh. Bidh na labhairtean-lìn ann am Beurla agus fosgailte don h-uile duine. Tha com-pàirt sna bùithtean-obrach taic ga àrd-mholadh dhaibhsan a tha a’ tagradh no a’ planadh air tagradh, oir bidh iad cuideachd a’ tabhann stiùireadh cudromach agus co-theacsa mu thimcheall nan amasan don mhaoin.
Bidh na seiseanan sin a’ còmhdach:
Tha a’ mhaoin fosgailte do luchd-labhairt a tha fileanta sa Ghàidhlig, as urrainn susbaint fìor mhath sa chànan a chruthachadh, a tha fo 35 bliadhna a dh’aois, agus aig a bheil seòladh dachaigh sa Ghàidhealtachd ’s na h-Eileanan.
Feumaidh tagraichean cumail ri cumhaichean obrach HIE airson taic. Ma tha thu airson bruidhinn ri cuideigin mu dheidhinn riatanas Obair Chothromach no ma tha feum agad air tuilleadh fiosrachaidh, cuir postd gu
Bidh tagraidhean a’ fosgladh Dimàirt 18 Gearran agus a’ dùnadh aig 5f Diluain 10 Màrt.
Feuch an clàraich thu d’ ùidh agus cuiridh sinn fios gu làn fhiosrachaidh an tagraidh.
Bidh coig tagraichean aig a’ chlàr as àirde soirbheachail, a rèir mar a bhios càileachd thagraidhean.
Thig gu na bùthan-obrach gus caibideil ùr inntinneach a dhèanamh airson sgeulachdan Gàidhlig san linn didseatach.
Mastering Digital Storytelling and Audience Engagement with Tricia O’Malley
Creating Visually Compelling Documentaries and Managing Commercial Partnerships
The Gaelic Digital Challenge Fund offers an exciting opportunity to develop Gaelic storytelling projects that harness the potential of digital platforms to engage audiences in fresh and innovative ways. With five grants of £5,000 available to fluent Gaelic speakers, who are aged 35 and under, the fund is designed to support creative approaches that bring authentic Gaelic stories to life, ensuring their cultural richness and provenance resonate with contemporary digital audiences.
This initiative aims to uncover new routes for Gaelic storytelling, encouraging content creators to explore how digital tools can amplify audience engagement, foster commercial partnerships and create fresh opportunities to share and celebrate the rich heritage of the Gaelic language. It also aims to meet the growing demand for Gaelic content, delivering it in ways that align with the evolving digital landscape and new consumer expectations at regional, national, and international levels.
If you’re passionate about preserving the authenticity of Gaelic storytelling while embracing innovative new ways to share these stories through digital platforms, this fund offers the resources and support to bring your vision to life.
The programme includes a short series of free webinars to support applicants to refine their ideas and explore the potential of digital platforms. The webinars will be in English and are open to everyone. Participation in the accompanying workshops is highly recommended for those applying or planning to apply, as they will also offer important guidance and context around the ambitions for the fund.
These sessions will cover:
The fund is open to fluent Gaelic speakers, who can work and create great content in the language, who are under 35 and who have a Highlands and Islands address.
Applicants must comply with HIE’s fair work conditions for support. If you want to speak to someone about the Fair Work requirement or need more information, please email
Applications will open on Tuesday 18 February and will close at 5pm on Monday 10 March.
Please register your interest, and we’ll be in touch with full application details.
A maximum of five applicants will be awarded, depending on the quality of the applications received.
Join the workshops to help shape an exciting new chapter for Gaelic stories in the digital age:
Mastering Digital Storytelling and Audience Engagement with Tricia O’Malley
Creating Visually Compelling Documentaries and Managing Commercial Partnerships
Just add your name and email address to register your interest.
Explore our other support programmes.
We support businesses, communities and social enterprises through a range of support services, including advice, funding, events and property. Find out how we can help you.
Helping food and drink producers and supply chain businesses in the Highland Council area with access to expert advice, funding, events and networking opportunities.
Free digital advice supporting tourism organisations based in the Highland Council area.