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- 16:00
Join us online for a fireside chat with best-selling author Tricia O'Malley, whose prolific series of books dominate the top rankings on Amazon and explore worlds of mystery, romance and women stepping into their own power.
Tricia will share her experience with self-publishing, creating engaging digital content, building an online community of loyal readers and the lessons she's learned to become a New York Times and Wall Street Journal best-seller. There will also be a particular focus on navigating the increasingly complex digital content landscape.
Tricia O'Malley is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of contemporary, paranormal, and fantasy romance. With over three million books sold, when she’s not writing, Tricia can be found scuba-diving, travelling, or debating the best popcorn topping. She splits her time between Scotland and the Caribbean, loves fun vacation reads, and thinks life is better with a little bit of sparkle. To see some of her Scotland or island life photos visit her on Facebook, Instagram, or at:
As part of this session, Iain Hamilton, Head of Creative Industries at Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) will also offer a full overview of the fund and answer any questions on the application process.